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What is Canine Carvery's Raw Dog Food?Canine Carvery is a range of natural, healthy and nutritious raw dog food formulas with no added chemicals or preservatives. We use the highest quality products sourced from local suppliers. Every ingredient has been carefully selected with the health of your dog in mind. Each packet is a complete meal and provides the ideal percentage of meat, offal, vegetables, fruit and added super-foods such as herbs to enhance the nutrients that your dog will be eating.
What ingredients do you use?At Canine Carvery, we only use the highest quality products sourced locally. All meat products contain a portion of meat, offal, vegetable, fruit and herbs. We add dog approved herbs as they add extra health benefits for your beloved dog. All herbs are certified organic and human grade.
Why should I feed a Raw Diet?Dogs are suffering from allergies and cancers in record proportions. Dogs have the highest rate of cancers than any other mammal on the planet. Research now shows that 90% of the allergies and cancers that dogs suffer are due to environmental and lifestyle factors. The biggest proportion of these factors come from poor nutrition. Research conducted shows that dogs who are consuming a raw diet have a 90% decrease in cancer rates and their life span may double. From my own research my dog's allergies decreased from almost dying every year from an auto-immune disorder and to having yeast infections so bad that they covered his entire skin to now being allergy free. The below list are the observations I made after switching my own dogs to a raw diet. They enjoy their food. My Husky would go through stages of not eating until I switched to a raw diet and now she is excited about dinner time again. The raw diet is the most natural to their wild counter-parts. The dog’s nutritional requirements have not changed dramatically over time. Creates a stronger, healthier immune system Less allergic reactions Shiny healthy coat. Minimised doggy odour Healthy teeth and gums Improved attention span which has resulted in greater obedience Easy to maintain a healthy weight Improved muscle tone Smaller poops with less smell No need for parasite treatments Cheaper in the long run as minimised visits to the vet and no flea or tick treatments Improved energy levels Happier demeanour
How Should I introduce my dog’s new diet?For best results, Introduction of your dog’s new food should be made gradually. If your dog is already eating a meat meal than Introduce the food from Canine Carvery in increments and mix with the old food. For example: Days 1 - 3 – Feed 75% of Your dog’s old food to 25% of Canine Carvery Days 4 - 6 – Feed 50% of your dog’s old food to 50% of Canine Carvery Days 7 - 10 – Feed 25% of your dog’s old food to 75% of Canine Carvery Days 11 onwards – 100% of Canine Carvery The above is merely used as a guide and the above process could take less or more time. Keep an eye on your dog’s stools and if they appear to have digestive upset than slow down the process. Do not feed dry food with wet food as your dog’s digestive system processes the two different food sources differently and will cause confusion to your dog’s digestive system.
How much do I feed to my dog?Recommended feeding is 2-3% of your dog’s adult body weight. This includes puppies. Estimate what your dog’s adult body weight will be and feed accordingly. Pregnant bitches will need a higher percentage. It should be recognised that the above ratios are to be used as a guide only and individual pets may require more or less food than recommended. This will depend on their metabolism, lifestyle and age. You as a pet owner are in the best position to determine quantity, and how often to feed using your pet’s demeanour, body condition and general health as a guide. If in doubt, please consult your Veterinarian.
What are your delivery days?We currently deliver on Thursday, either early morning or late afternoon or evening. This is so our food is not outside in the hottest periods of the day. All orders and payments must be received prior to 7pm on the Wednesday before delivery unless prior arrangement has been made. We request if you could please leave your exchange foam box at your front door and so we do not disturb you. You will receive a message the day before delivery with a delivery time frame.
Where do you deliver?We deliver our meat and treat ranges to most Perth Metropolitan areas (please see our map in the delivery information panel. We will deliver bulk orders outside of the Perth Metropolitan upon arrangement. Please contact us via email or phone to discuss country deliveries.
What are your delivery Fees?Our delivery fee for our selected Perth Metropolitan area is $15 for orders under $150 and free for orders over $150.
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