
Jasper and Charlie - Mount Nasura
Our dog suffered terrible allergies (presumed to be environmental) and would break out in hives with non-stop itching till he was a bleeding mess. It was really heart breaking not knowing what to do, after trying creams, expensive medications and endless trips to the vet we ended up having him on low dose steroids which made his sick, unhappy and eventually his fur started falling out.
Not knowing just how bad main stream dog food is for animals, we continued to feed it to our dog thinking it was ok. (highly recommend watching the doco "Pet Fooled") We decided we must try the BARF diet as a final effort in giving our pooch a chance at a normal life. We searched the internet for suppliers of raw pet food for many weeks until we found Canine Carveries Kangaroo and Liquorice root Allergy formula. I read Chantals story and knew straight away that we needed to try it.
It did take about a month or so for him to get rid of the rubbish in his system we had been feeding him all those years but IT WORKED! his skin cleared up, he was much happier, full of energy, his coat looked amazing and finally we had our old dog back. I recommend anyone with any allergy issues or anyone that really cares about their pets health to just try it (or any of her other range), you will not be disappointed!
No, I do not know Chantal personally nor did I get paid for this review, we are just so happy with the results we want to share our story. I hope you have as much success as we did.
Kimmi & Star - Girrawheen
For all the BARF believers, we know raw is the only way to feed your pets. Unfortunately, with big chain suppliers, freshness and quality are questionable. Not in this case! I feel this BARF is prepared by world-class chefs, as you can see and smell the freshness if you're lucky enough before your pet inhales it before your eyes.
Chantal’s dedication, passion and love for animals can be seen in this quality BARF which is packed with nutrients at the right balance and with the added bonus of being delivered directly to your front door.
I am 100% confident your pet will love this food and have no hesitation in recommending Canine Carvery for your furry loved ones.

Bo, Chino & Eevee - Herne Hill
Our Golden Retriever Mr Rainbow AKA Bo seemed to be coming to the end of his lifespan at only 8 years old. He was overweight, lethargic and the skin on his tummy had turned black & itchy. I researched his symptoms & found he had Hyperpigmentation caused by a skin infection & allergies. It caused Bo to always be itching & scratching at his skin and nibbling at his paws. We constantly tried to help relieve his symptoms in anyway we could with special bath soaps & creams. He was also slowing down and would usually just sleep all day long and meander around with not much zest for life.
We took him to the vet many times and was prescribed numerous medications which was expensive, but the worst part being they had terrible side effects. We were at a loss at what we could do... until we met Chantal!
Chantal told us her story about her little dog Samson and I was so excited to try her products for Bo. After the first week of Bo eating only Canine Carvery we could already see an improvement in his wellbeing.
After 3 weeks the colour of Bo’s skin was starting to lighten and he wasn’t itchy anymore!!! Then after 3 months he had taken a new lease of life; he thought he was a puppy again. He would bounce up and down excitedly and run around our property like he use to.
Bo is now 9 years old and very fit and happy. He is at the perfect body weight which is something we always struggled to do even on expensive, what we thought was, top quality dog food. Best of all his skin has changed back to a healthy colour.
Bo thinks Canine Carvery products are the best! We can see the happiness in his eyes, hear his excitement in his bark and know he loves the taste of Canine Carvery when he salivates as I open the packet.
We are over the moon to have our super happy, playful puppy back with many healthy years ahead of him. We are so grateful to have met Chantal and had the opportunity to use her products with absolutely amazing results.
Thank you so much Chantal!
From Bo and our Cavalier King Charles puppies Chino & Eevee who also love Canine Carvery products.
The Graham Family xxxx